The Showing We Care offering provides financial support for all these endeavors and more. As we are blessed, let us also increase in the blessing of others. These are not just places to give money. In each of these, TVCC and community members work side by side to reach a lost and dying world.
Global Missions
New Hope Missions International PEACE Plan Namibia
Local Missions
REAL Hope Youth Center Hope Center Ministries FARO Latin American Church
Tomorrows Hope Pregnancy Clinic BRIDGES Jail Ministry
TVCC Biblical Counseling Center Second Harvest Food Bank Salvation Army Volunteers
Christian Community Outreach Center Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery - A safe place to find community and freedom from issues that are controlling our life. Home - Celebrate Recovery
New Hope Missions International ( NHMI ) – A partnership in the Cap Haitian area serving churches, schools and the children of Haiti. www.newhopehaiti.com
PEACE Plan Namibia – TVCC is the International Partnering Church ( IPC ) for the nation of Namibia in Southern Africa.
REAL Hope Youth Center – An after-school enrichment program for children in first through fifth grades. www.realhopeyouth.com
Hope Center Ministries - A non-profit, faith based recovery program. Hope Center Ministries | Faith Based Recovery Program (hopecm.com)
FARO (The Lighthouse) Latin American Church – We partner with other churches in Paris and Henry County to support this new church which reaches out to the Spanish speaking community.
Tomorrow’s Hope Pregnancy Clinic – A ministry to those affected by an unplanned pregnancy. Home - Tomorrow's Hope (tomorrowshopeparis.org)
BRIDGES Jail Ministry –Partnering with the Henry County Sheriff's Office to offer the Gospel and discipleship to inmates as well as opportunities for additional connections after their release.
TVCC Biblical Counseling Center – Our counselors work with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors to share genuine biblical hope to hurting people. This outreach is for all of our community, not just members of TVCC. ACBC (biblicalcounseling.com)
Henry County Food Bank – The mission is to provide anyone in this community a meal that needs one.
Salvation Army Volunteers – Each year, during the Christmas campaign, TVCC members man the kettles at various location to raise money for Salvation Army as well as give and distribute gifts through the local Angel Tree.
Christian Community Outreach Center – A ministry to share the Gospel of Christ, while meeting physical, spiritual, and emotional needs in Big Sandy, TN.. HOME (bigsandyccoc.com)
Global Missions
New Hope Missions International PEACE Plan Namibia
Local Missions
REAL Hope Youth Center Hope Center Ministries FARO Latin American Church
Tomorrows Hope Pregnancy Clinic BRIDGES Jail Ministry
TVCC Biblical Counseling Center Second Harvest Food Bank Salvation Army Volunteers
Christian Community Outreach Center Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery - A safe place to find community and freedom from issues that are controlling our life. Home - Celebrate Recovery
New Hope Missions International ( NHMI ) – A partnership in the Cap Haitian area serving churches, schools and the children of Haiti. www.newhopehaiti.com
PEACE Plan Namibia – TVCC is the International Partnering Church ( IPC ) for the nation of Namibia in Southern Africa.
REAL Hope Youth Center – An after-school enrichment program for children in first through fifth grades. www.realhopeyouth.com
Hope Center Ministries - A non-profit, faith based recovery program. Hope Center Ministries | Faith Based Recovery Program (hopecm.com)
FARO (The Lighthouse) Latin American Church – We partner with other churches in Paris and Henry County to support this new church which reaches out to the Spanish speaking community.
Tomorrow’s Hope Pregnancy Clinic – A ministry to those affected by an unplanned pregnancy. Home - Tomorrow's Hope (tomorrowshopeparis.org)
BRIDGES Jail Ministry –Partnering with the Henry County Sheriff's Office to offer the Gospel and discipleship to inmates as well as opportunities for additional connections after their release.
TVCC Biblical Counseling Center – Our counselors work with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors to share genuine biblical hope to hurting people. This outreach is for all of our community, not just members of TVCC. ACBC (biblicalcounseling.com)
Henry County Food Bank – The mission is to provide anyone in this community a meal that needs one.
Salvation Army Volunteers – Each year, during the Christmas campaign, TVCC members man the kettles at various location to raise money for Salvation Army as well as give and distribute gifts through the local Angel Tree.
Christian Community Outreach Center – A ministry to share the Gospel of Christ, while meeting physical, spiritual, and emotional needs in Big Sandy, TN.. HOME (bigsandyccoc.com)