You were created for ministry to reflect the image of the Creator.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10

Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Volunteering begins with you showing interest in serving Christ and others at TVCC. This usually begins with contact through a connection card, a conversation with a staff person, or filling out the online form at the link below. Once we know you are interested in serving, Kim Walden, our Director of Ministries, can schedule a ministry opportunity tour so that you can see the various ministries in action at TVCC. Kim will also schedule a time for you to complete Discovering Your SHAPE CLASS 301, so that we can help you assess your spiritual gifts and the best areas of ministry to use those gifts.
What Ministries have opportunities for me to serve at TVCC?
Greeters, Tech Team, Hospitality, Weekend Setup, Ushers, Security Team, Office Assistant, Online/IT, Decorating, First Impressions, Special Events, F.U.E.L. Youth, Worship Team, Small Groups , TVCC KIdz...