F-260 Stories
The following story is why you MUST...MUST join in with the F-260 reading plan with TVCC for 2017. In a WORD, it is life and family changing. I quote (with permission) this text from Jamie Miles & family, because I just couldn't say it any better:
"So just letting u know that we are doing the foundation book for all 4 of us and it's awesome!!! I am reading the stories for the day and to see the look on the girls faces when it clicks is breathtaking!! I use voices and sarcasm to keep their attention and when Eve ate the apple Emery (6) spoke up and said did she die?!?! Which (a) meant she was listening and (b) I got to explain to her what they meant exactly!! Piper(8) is reading her chapter in her own bible and memorizing her verse."
TVCC...don't miss the opportunity to lead your family in The Word! It's the greatest investment you'll ever make in their lives...and yours