I AM...The True Vine

Nov 20, 2016    Pastor Steve Gallimore

What if you knew the depths of God's love for you? Some will immediately reply, "I do!" Are you sure? Do you know this when things are going great or when you're in the middle of a crisis of belief? More times than not, we claim to know and feel how much God loves us when we get the job, win the prize, or when we're successful at something we have strived and longed for.

This weekend, we will look at one of the most compassionate descriptions Christ ever made concerning who He is when He stated, "I AM...The True Vine." The implications of this will blow your mind! What does it mean to be connected to the Vine and what happens when we're not producing fruit? What about when we are? In each case, what does God, the Vine Dresser do? How we respond to this "I Am..." WILL, not may...but will determine our next steps in either becoming or responding as a follower of Christ. We look forward to seeing you at TVCC this Sunday!