But what if I don't FEEL Pure?

I had a conversation with a friend and fellow TVCC'r this morning about purity or a lack thereof. Thought you might like to Listen In...

Sometimes, we can get so focused on the problem that we fail to hear the solution. That's what happened with my good friend yesterday. He heard me describe the things that destroy our purity but, and I've done this too at times, the essential part of how we can be pure was shouted out by the voices of doubt (no, he's not crazy...well, maybe a little, but then we all are, just in different ways!). Voices that say, "You didn't get that right! You messed up! Again!" Does that mean he isn't pure at heart?

Remember, the only way any of us are made pure is by the righteousness and purity of Christ. Anything short of Christ is impurity! But the good news is that through the blood of Christ we are made pure and we keep on being purified as long as we live. That's why we say over and over again, "Growing people change!" because we're all growing and that process doesn't stop in this life.

So the next time you start to doubt or beat yourself up because you didn't get it all right, remember the One who did, get back up, recommit to the Way, and get going! You don't get to see God because of your perfection. You get to see God because Christ's perfection is credited to your debit account which He has paid in full. That's not an excuse to sin but a compelling reason not to!

Have a blessed BE-ATTITUDE week!