Pure Religion

Is all religion bad? Certainly not! There is a religion that is relational which is fueled from the heart of God. James describes it this way: “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27a (NLT).

Pure, undefiled, religion that God accepts, without fault, the kind that passes muster before God, genuine. These are descriptions that different Bible translations use to describe pure religion. This, however, is not a definition of religion but it is a pertinent illustration of the right spirit of religion which leads to caring for others, especially widows and orphans.

This is the right reaction to the Word of God. Real religion is on exhibit in selfless, genuinely concerned Christians who care for the needs of others. “But what about those who are great philanthropists? They do so much good in the world!” True. But according to whose standards? Pure is translated from a word that describes ‘cleanliness’ and its synonym, undefiled, is a term denoting ‘freedom from contamination’. “What difference does it make as long as the job gets done?” All the difference in the world…and eternity.

James is clear; the genuineness of religion cannot be judged by the world’s standards but by God’s. The Pharisees were the most religious and philanthropic people of their day yet they missed knowing God. Just because they were religious was no indicator of their relationship with the Father. As a matter of fact, Jesus quoted Isaiah’s prophecy given some 700 years earlier, when He said to this group of religionists, “This people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me” (Matthew 15:8 NLT).

As you think about your ‘religion’ this week, put your heart into it! Don’t do it just to do it but as Paul writes, “And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father” Colossians 3:17 (NLT).

“Father, help me to be aware of the needs of others. Whether physical, spiritual, or emotional, help me to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit. Guide me Lord. I know you have equipped me to love hurting people with ‘pure and undefiled religion’ which expresses Your heart toward all. Amen.”

Application: Journal one thing this week that you do which proves the kind of religion that passes muster before God. Share it with a close friend!