Taking the Trouble to Grow!

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." James 1:2 (NLT)

Years ago there was a phrase that many people used when trying to keep from "putting someone else out." Folks would say, "Don't go to all that trouble!" They were being kind, even though down deep, they might have hoped that someone would choose to go to the trouble anyway.
Sometimes, we might wish we didn't have to "go to all that trouble" in our own lives, but wish as we may, trouble will come to all of us. Trouble is not an option. Our Christian character grows through trouble in three unmistakable ways:
1. Our faith is tested. Like the real diamond which sparkles when placed under water, so does the genuine Christian who stands firm when their faith is tested. Trials work for us, not against us.
2. Our endurance grows. What does God want to produce in our lives? He wants us to learn to keep going when the going gets tough, even as Christ did.
3. Our lives are perfected. As our endurance grows, we will be "perfect and complete, needing nothing" (James 1:4 NLT). See Galatians 5:22-23
So when life gives you the opportunity, willingly go to all that trouble, not so much glad that it came but joyful that we can be like Christ and shine for His glory!