Receive the Word
James writes to believers when he said, “…receive the implanted word” (James 1:21). In other words, let it be planted, accept it, take it. Growth as a Christian is not automatic. Just because you carry a Bible that is never opened, studied, or memorized, it will not cause you to grow. You must receive the Word.
Jesus told a parable once where He compared the Word to a seed (Matthew 13:18-23; 36-43). It was planted in four different types of soil or hearts; the hard heart did not receive the Word so it didn’t bear any fruit; the shallow heart had emotion but no depth so it bore no fruit; the crowded heart would not repent and allowed sin to crowd out the Word; and the fruitful heart – ah now that heart bore great amounts of fruit! Why? The Word took root in it and grew producing 100, 60, or 30 times as much! That is GROWTH!
The Word of God is ‘living and powerful’ Jesus said. Unfortunately, Jesus wasn’t describing an era of great harvest, but a time when the Word would be rejected. Though the Word is sown, the enemy uses everything at his disposal to keep it from taking root. The good news is, once it has been truly rooted in our hearts, it cannot be removed…and it will grow! As you grow you will know His Word and sow the Seed! And it all begins when we receive the Word, study it, learn it, then plant it!
Pray today for God to use you, not only receiving His Word but living and sharing it. When we do that, we’ll produce 100, 60, or 30 times! We can’t control who receives it and who rejects it; we just keep on sowing! “Father, help us to receive your Word and plant it as we go, being sensitive to the needs around us today, Amen.”