Quit Deceiving Yourself

One of the greatest dangers for the Christian is self-deception: “deceiving you own selves” (James 1:22); “deceives his own heart” (James 1:26). When Satan deceives you that’s one thing; when you deceive yourself, that’s a far more serious matter.

Many people deceive themselves into thinking they are saved when in truth, they are not. They may have entered a powerless religion but failed to walk in a life-changing relationship with Christ. One of the most sobering passages in the entire Bible is Jesus’ own words when He says, “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter” Matthew 7:21 (NLT).

There are many believers, however, who truly are saved yet choose to deceive themselves by thinking they are spiritual when they are not. James makes it clear how we are to act as a result of who we are in Christ. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry” (James 1:19). Why? Because when we don’t listen, speak to quickly before we think, we will fly off the handle in angry outbursts. By doing so we harm our witness before others and may even close the door on an opportunity to share Christ with them. Our anger certainly “does not produce the righteousness God desires” (James 1:20).

So what are we to do if we allow anger to control us? Simple…maybe – Get rid of it! Not only the anger but “Get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls” (James 1:21 NLT). The word translated, ‘get rid of’ is metaphor for taking off and putting away dirty clothes. In other words, stop deceiving yourself! There is an assumption here that if we follow Christ, we are in the process – day by day, of putting away anything that is displeasing to God and destructive to the Christian faith.

Start your day by confessing where you’ve failed (taking off the dirty clothes) and asking God to help you walk in the righteousness of Christ (your new wardrobe) which you have received. That is the kind of faith that God calls for in the life of every Christ follower.

This week, we’re going to look at three responsibilities we have when we receive God’s Word. If we do them, we will have an honest walk before God and men.