Bond...James Bond
“James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ…”James 1:1a (NKJV)
James gives us his identity as he opens his letter. He identifies himself as a, "bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ." James was the half-brother of Jesus. This fact reveals truth that some have long denied; Mary certainly birthed Jesus as a virgin. Yet after that, she and Joseph had a normal, healthy, sexual relationship. In Mark 3:31 and Matthew 12:46, both gospel writers refer to Jesus' mother and brothers who came to see Him and Mark 6:3 names Jesus' half-brothers as well as His half-sisters. Though they grew up with Jesus, they didn't believe He was The Christ (John 7:2-5). Yet after the resurrection, notice what had happened. Act 1:13 says that the apostles were there, and then verse 14 adds:
“They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus.” Acts 1:14 (NLT)
The crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ changed everything. James and his brothers went from non-believing Jews to believers following Christ. That's the difference knowing Christ makes. It's more than having Him in your house; you must have Him in your heart.
If you know Christ, thank Him for saving you and allowing you to become His bond-servant. Live your life today, loving God and showing His love to others. If you are not a Christ follower, then why not receive Him as Lord and Savior, the Authority of your life? He will give you power to live on and a purpose to live for as you confess your sin and receive His forgiveness today! Then share your decision with someone else so that you too may become a Bond...servant that is, of Christ the Lord!